Italian food with furikake

Italian food with furikake

You can try adding furikake to Italian dishes in these ways:

  1. Furikake Pasta: Prepare your favorite pasta (e.g., spaghetti or linguine) and toss it with olive oil or butter. Sprinkle furikake on top for a savory and slightly umami flavor.
  2. Furikake Risotto: While making a classic risotto, mix in furikake during the final stages of cooking for an interesting twist.
  3. Furikake Pizza: After baking a pizza, sprinkle furikake over the melted cheese or sauce. It can add a unique crunch and flavor to your slice.

Remember to start with a small amount of furikake and adjust to your taste preference, as it can be quite potent. Enjoy your creative Italian-Japanese fusion dishes!

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